Indoor Bird Food

Indoor Bird Food

Your Pet Bird needs a nutritious, balanced & tasty diet. Find a great range of Bird Foods here, including natural, healthy, everyday food & feeding formula.

The Base Diet for Birds: Food That Is Balanced

In the wild, birds eat a vast variety of foods: seeds, nuts, grasses, flowers, fruits, insects, the list goes on. The change in seasons brings new types of foods, and birds nourish themselves on what’s available. At home, your bird also nourishes himself on what’s available, so it should ideally be the most balanced, natural and whole food possible. A bird’s diet is critical to his health. A bird on a poor diet will not live out his full life span, and will most likely succumb to any number of viral, bacterial, and fungal infections. A good diet boosts the immune system and helps the bird ward off illness. Not only that, a good diet keeps a bird in good spirits, keeps his feathers in great condition, and improves his life overall.

The “base” diet is the primary item that you feed your bird on a daily basis; everything else you feed is an addition to the diet, or may even be considered a “snack.” Ideally, the base diet should be as nutritionally sound as possible because it is what your bird is eating the most. OlliePets products are the ideal base diet because they are formulated to be nutritionally balanced. Every bite your bird takes offers building blocks for all of the systems of the body. They are also fun for your bird to eat and are packed with a wide variety of healthy, nutritious, non-GMO ingredients, most of which your bird would search out in the wild.

The base diet — whether it’s Nutri-Berries, Avi-Cakes, Pellet-Berries or Premium Daily Diet Pellets, or a combination of these — should be offered in the morning when the bird is hungriest. If the bowl is empty later in the evening, you can add more. Don’t allow your bird’s bowl to be empty for too long. Small birds, especially, have a very fast metabolism and most choose to eat all day long.


Large Natural Cuttlefish

Britten & James



Budgie Food (500g)




Daily Dietfor Budgies (500g)




Food for Parakeets (1kg)




XtraVital Parrot Food (2.5kg)




Millet Spray for Birds (1kg)

Pet Ting



Super Premium Food Mix (908g)




Tropican Hand Feeding Formula (2kg)




Parakeet Food Seed Mixture (5kg)



Bird Seeds & Bird Pellets

Many new bird owners become confused about what they should feed their birds. Bird seeds? Bird pellets? There are so many options and so many opinions. Both seeds and pellets are nutritious foods, and one is not necessarily superior to the other, depending on what else you’re feeding your bird in conjunction with it.

Fruits & Veggies: Great Snack for Parrots, Finches & Canaries

Fruits and veggies make great daily snacks, especially the more nutritious fruits and veggies, such as those that are dark green or orange in color. Try various fresh foods to see what your bird likes the best. If you have a picky pet bird, offer fresh foods in a variety of ways: chopped, mashed, whole, grated, and so on. Don’t give up too soon on feeding a certain nutritious item; it may take a while for your bird to get curious enough to try it.

When you feed fresh foods, make sure that they only stay available to the bird for a few hours. After that, many fruits and veggies start to go sour or attract pests. Here’s a short list of some nutritious fruits and veggies you can try. Make sure to rinse everything very well before serving them to your pet bird, and use organic produce whenever possible.