

Mice are one of the most popular types of small pet, and with their loving nature and intelligence, it’s not hard to see why. At OlliePets we offer a huge range of products designed especially with keeping your furry friend happy, healthy and entertained.

Mice can make adorable and fun pets for adults and children alike. They can be trained to be friendly and they are kept in a cage or aquarium, so they are ideal for apartment-dwellers or people who are looking for a low-maintenance pet that will provide them with affection and entertainment for one to two years, which is the lifespan of the average pet mouse.

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How to Tell If Your Mouse Is Happy and Healthy

  • Watch your mouse’s behavior. Mice don’t have elaborate body language that humans can understand, but if your mouse is acting differently than usual, this is a sign that he might not be happy or might not feel well.
  • Make sure he is eating and drinking as usual. Keep an eye on your mouse’s eating and drinking habits. You know how much he normally eats and drinks, so if that amount goes up or down significantly, he might need a veterinarian appointment.
  • Feel his body weekly for lumps and bumps. When you are cleaning out his cage, gently run your fingers along his body to check for any lumps, bumps, or tumors that need to be evaluated.
  • Weigh your mouse weekly. If you have a food scale or another scale that measures in ounces or grams, you can weigh your mouse each week. A 5 percent weight gain or weight loss could indicate a problem. If you don’t have a scale, you can just rely on feeling him to see if he feels too thin or too fat. As you get to know your mouse, you will know what he is supposed to feel like.
  • Give him some attention and exercise each day. Spending time playing with your mouse and watching how he interacts with his toys can allow you to see how he is moving his body and acting. Watch him on his running wheel, too. If he stops using the wheel and he used to use it a lot, there could be an issue.
  • Seek the care of a veterinarian if there are signs of illness. If your mouse’s behavior or appetite changes markedly, if he is listless, or if his eyes or nose has a discharge, make an appointment with your veterinarian for a checkup.

Your mouse will live between one and two years, and that time, while short, can be filled with fun times and love. Talk to your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your mouse’s health or about taking care of her!