Puppy Teething

Puppy Teething

Just like babies, teething can be an uncomfortable experience for puppies. Make the process as easy as possible with our collection of puppy teething products. At OlliePets we also offer a range of puppy dental care products, to ensure that your pet always has healthy teeth and gums.

Your essential guide to puppy teething

Puppy teething

Teething is something that all puppies experience as they grow – it can often be painful and uncomfortable which causes them to bite and chew. There are things you can do to help make teething a little easier for your pup- and for you!

What is puppy teething?

Almost all puppies are born entirely without teeth. Just like human babies, the new milk teeth appear through the gums not long after birth.

When do puppies start teething?

With puppies, the exact timeline can vary depending on the breed but the process usually starts at around three weeks of age and lasts for six to eight months in total.

A puppy’s first teeth will begin to come through at around three weeks, with the incisors (sharp teeth used for cutting) appearing first. Puppies have six of these on the top and bottom jaw. The next to come through are the four pointy canine teeth which appear at around four weeks of age next to the incisors. Lastly come the premolars and molars, of which there are six on the top and bottom.

They should all be in place by around six to eight weeks of age, and not long after this, all those puppy teeth begin to be replaced by adult teeth. Some extra premolars and molars will also appear, leaving your pup with a grand total of 42 adult teeth by the time they are six to eight months old.


Teething Gel Soothing Relief




BioSafe Puppy Ring




Teething Dental Dino




Little Nippers Mischief Mouse




Beef Flavoured Faux




Healthy Teething Treat




Chew Toys Teething Training




Puppy Teething Dental Chew




Rugby Chew toy (2pcs)



Caring for their teeth

When your puppy’s adult teeth start to come through, you can help by introducing them to having their teeth cleaned. It’s a good idea to start this process by getting them used to having you handle their mouth at a young age. This will also make it easier for you to get a good look at their teeth and ensure there are no problems with them or their gums.

Brushing your puppy’s teeth

Getting into the habit of brushing your puppy’s teeth will help their teeth develop as they age. It can also help to get rid of chewed food that gets stuck, ultimately causing smelly breath. It’s a particularly good idea during teething as it can also prevent infections.

Helping your puppy get used to the sensation of having their teeth cleaned will be a gradual process. The first step is to get yourself a canine toothbrush and some formulated toothpaste for dogs (normal toothpaste can cause an upset stomach).

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You’ll need to begin by touching your puppy’s teeth gently with your fingers to get them used to having their mouth handled. Once you’ve done this a few times, you can then use the toothbrush to gently touch the teeth and introduce them to the feel of the brush.

Once you feel your pup is having their mouth handled and the sensation of the brush, it’s time to add the toothpaste to the mix and start brushing. Just remember to start off slow and gentle as it’s a new experience for them. Also, be careful of their remaining puppy teeth as they can be quite sharp. You should also make a point of taking your puppy to the vet to check that everything’s ok.

Managing chewing and mouthing

As the teething process is painful, your puppy may seek relief by chewing all sorts of things around the house. They can also become prone to biting and mouthing, so a good selection of chew toys is essential to help ease the pain and help give them some relief.

When it comes to the mouthing you can discourage this by yelping whenever it happens and stopping playtime immediately. This will teach them that nipping means playtime is over!