Birds theme for Isle of Eigg’s first film festival

5 March 2020 0 By revilosk8
Birds theme for Isle of Eigg’s first film festival

The Isle of Eigg is to hold its first film festival with birds as the theme for the inaugural event.

Running from 17-20 April, it will open with The Messenger which charts the global decline in songbirds and efforts by people to save them.

A late-night showing of Alfred Hitchcock’s horror The Birds and archive film The Corncrake and the Croft will also be shown.

There will also be talks by film-makers and bird experts.

Speakers will include naturalist Dr Kenny Taylor, wildlife cameraman Jim Manthorpe and sound recordist Pete Smith.

There will be performances by musicians Jenny Sturgeon and Eigg-based Johnny Lynch aka The Pictish Trail.

“Eigg islanders love birds and understand visiting birdwatchers’ fascination”

Lucy Conway – Festival co-ordinator

Regional Screen Scotland is supporting the event.

“We’re really looking forward to enjoying four days sharing that passion through moving image, guided walks, talks, workshops and more.”

Eigg’s birdlife includes golden and white-tailed sea eagles, hen harriers, oystercatchers and twite.